Thursday, November 4, 2010

RSS feeds

Iam sruggling with adding Rss feeds! Just when I think I have done it, it doesnt appear on my blog....My emotion is intense frustration!!!! Hence the red writing....


  1. Keep trying Sarah. You will get it in the end. Give me a call next week if you are still having problems and I'll try to talk you through it - not that I'm an expert. I like the red writing it is very evocative. I'm off to see if I can do that.

  2. Thanks, The penny finally dropped yesterday and i had success!!
    Just have to see if i can do it again next time i try :-)!

  3. Hi Sarah, glad to see you did manage to sort out the RSS feeds (and you have fish too!)!

    Do you want to share in your blog some of the sites you have added to your RSS feed?

  4. Congratulations to get out of the RSS tunnel. I am still trying to get used to RSS tab here, tab there "dance", and always "out of step" in my confustion!
